Ontology matching
is a key interoperability enabler for the Semantic Web, as well as a useful tactic in some
classical data integration tasks dealing with the semantic heterogeneity problem. It takes the ontologies as
input and determines as output an alignment, that is, a set of correspondences between the semantically
related entities of those ontologies. These correspondences can be used for various tasks, such as ontology
merging, data translation, query answering or navigation on the web of data. Thus, matching ontologies
enables the knowledge and data expressed in the matched ontologies to interoperate.
The workshop has three goals:
To bring together leaders from academia, industry and user institutions to assess how academic
advances are addressing real-world requirements. The workshop will strive to improve academic
awareness of industrial and final user needs, and therefore direct research towards those needs.
Simultaneously, the workshop will serve to inform industry and user representatives about existing
research efforts that may meet their requirements. The workshop will also investigate how the
ontology matching technology is going to evolve.
To conduct an extensive and rigorous evaluation of ontology matching approaches through the
(Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative)
2011 campaign.
The particular focus of this year's OAEI
campaign is on real-world specific matching tasks involving, e.g., open linked data and biomedical ontologies.
Therefore, the ontology matching evaluation initiative
itself will provide a solid ground for discussion of how well the current approaches are meeting
business needs.
To examine similarities and differences from database schema matching, which has received decades
of attention but is just beginning to transition to mainstream tools.
The workshop encourages participation from academia, industry and user institutions with the emphasis on
theoretical and practical aspects of ontology matching. On the one side, we expect representatives from
industry and user organizations to present business cases and their requirements for ontology matching.
On the other side, we expect academic participants to present their approaches vis-a-vis those
requirements. The workshop provides an informal setting for researchers and practitioners from different
related initiatives to meet and benefit from each other's work and requirements.
This year, in sync with the main conference, we encourage submissions specifically devoted to: (i) repeatable
evaluations of the approaches proposed (not necessarily within OAEI) and (ii) application of the matching
technology in real-life scenarios and assessment of its usefulness to the final users.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Business and use cases for matching (e.g., open government data);
- Requirements to matching from specific domains;
- Application of matching techniques in real-world scenarios;
- Formal foundations and frameworks for matching;
- Matching patterns;
- Instance matching and data interlinking;
- Large-scale matching evaluation;
- Performance of matching techniques;
- Matcher selection and self-configuration;
- User involvement (including both technical and organizational aspects);
- Explanations in matching;
- Social and collaborative matching;
- Alignment management;
- Reasoning with alignments;
- Matching for traditional applications (e.g., information integration);
- Matching for dynamic applications (e.g., search, web-services).
Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of technical papers and posters/statements of interest addressing
different issues of ontology matching as well as participating in the OAEI 2011 campaign.
Technical papers should be not longer than 12 pages using the
LNCS Style.
Posters/statements of interest should not exceed 2 pages and should be handled according to the guidelines
for technical papers.
All contributions should be prepared in PDF format
and should be submitted
(no later than August 15th, 2011)
through the workshop submission site at:
Contributors to the
OAEI 2011 campaign
have to follow the campaign conditions and schedule at
Important dates:
August 15, 2011: CLOSED [33 papers received for the technical track]
Deadline for the submission of papers.
September 9, 2011:
[Review results notifications have been sent out]
Deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection.
September 10, 2011: CLOSED
registration deadline.
September 26, 2011: CLOSED
Workshop camera ready copy submission.
- October 24th, 2011:
the Maritim convention center,
room REGER,
Bonn, Germany.
Contributions will be refereed by the
Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as a volume of
Also, all the OM-2011 workshop metadata (e.g., paper authors) will be made available publicly
at the Semantic Web Dog Food site.
In order for the paper to appear in the workshop proceedings, one of the
authors must register both for the conference and the workshop
by the EARLY registration deadline.
Technical Papers:
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
Learning linkage rules using genetic programming
Robert Isele and Christian Bizer
RAVEN -- active learning of link specifications *
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer and Konrad Höffner
Towards an automatic parameterization of ontology matching tools based on example mappings *
Dominique Ritze and Heiko Paulheim
Evolution of the COMA match system
Sabine Maßmann, Salvatore Raunich, David Aümueller, Patrick Arnold and Erhard Rahm
Using semantic similarity in ontology alignment
Valerie Cross and Xueheng Hu
Ontology matching benchmarks: generation and evaluation *
Maria-Elena Roşoiu, Cássia Trojahn and Jérôme Euzenat
Authors have been invited to submit an extended version of the paper to be considered by the
Journal on Data Semantics.
OAEI Papers:
Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2011
Jérôme Euzenat, Alfio Ferrara, Willem Robert van Hage, Laura Hollink, Christian Meilicke, Andriy Nikolov,
Dominique Ritze, François Scharffe, Pavel Shvaiko, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal
and Cássia Trojahn
Using AgreementMaker to align ontologies for OAEI 2011
Isabel F. Cruz, Cosmin Stroe, Federico Caimi, Alessio Fabiani, Catia Pesquita, Francisco M. Couto and Matteo Palmonari
AROMA results for OAEI 2011
Jérôme David
Ontology matching with CIDER: evaluation report for OAEI 2011
Jorge Gracia, Jordi Bernad and Eduardo Mena
CODI: Combinatorial Optimization for Data Integration: results for OAEI 2011
Jakob Huber, Timo Sztyler, Jan Nößner and Christian Meilicke
Cluster-based similarity aggregation for ontology matching
Quang-Vinh Tran, Ryutaro Ichise and Bao-Quoc Ho
LDOA results for OAEI 2011
Marouen Kachroudi, Essia Ben Moussa, Sami Zghal and Sadok Ben Yahia
Lily results on the SEALS platform for OAEI 2011
Peng Wang
LogMap results for OAEI 2011
Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz-Ruiz, Antón Morant and Bernardo Cuenca Grau
MaasMatch results for OAEI 2011
Frederik C. Schadd and Nico Roos
MapPSO and MapEVO results for OAEI 2011
Jürgen Bock, Carsten Dänschel and Matthias Stumpp
MapSSS results for OAEI 2011
Michelle Cheatham
OACAS: results for OAEI 2011
Sami Zghal, Marouen Kachroudi, Sadok Ben Yahia and Engelbert Mephu Nguifo
OMReasoner: using reasoner for ontology matching: results for OAEI 2011
Guohua Shen, Lantao Jin, Ziyue Zhao, Zhe Jia, Wenmin He and Zhiqiu Huang
Optima results for OAEI 2011
Uthayasanker Thayasivam and Prashant Doshi
SERIMI results for OAEI 2011
Samur Araujo, Arjen de Vries and Daniel Schwabe
Zhishi.links results for OAEI 2011
Xing Niu, Shu Rong, Yunlong Zhang and Haofen Wang
YAM++ results for OAEI 2011
DuyHoa Ngo, Zohra Bellasene and Remi Coletta
Towards more challenging problems for ontology matching tools
Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz and Bernardo Cuenca Grau
A framework for session-based ontology alignment
Patrick Lambrix
Modeling matching systems using matching process design patterns
Eric Peukert
A visual SOA-based ontology alignment tool
Weng Onn Kow, Vedran Sabol, Michael Granitzer, Wolfgang Kienrich and Dickson Lukose
Mapping relational databases through ontology matching: a case study on information migration
Manuel Rodriguez-Mancha, Hector G. Ceballos, Francisco J. Cantu and Aldo Diaz-Prado
SERIMI – resource description similarity, RDF instance matching and interlinking
Samur Araujo, Jan Hidders, Daniel Schwabe and Arjen De Vries
Translating expressive ontology mappings into rewriting rules to implement query rewriting
Gianluca Correndo and Nigel Shadbolt
EventMedia live: reconciliating events descriptions in the web of data
Houda Khrouf and Raphaël Troncy
Mobile facetted browsing LODD applications for supporting clinicians
Daniel Sonntag, Jochen Setz and Maha Ahmed Baker
Complex matching of RDF datatype properties
Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Alexander Arturo Mera Caraballo, Marco Antonio Casanova, Karin Breitman and Luiz A. P. Paes Leme
Automated matching of data mining dataset schemata to background knowledge
Vojíř Stanislav, Tomáš Kliegr, Vojtěch Svátek and Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal
A criteria for selecting background knowledge for domain specific semantic matching
Jetendr Shamdasani, Peter Bloodsworth, Tamas Hauer, Andrew Branson, Mohammed Odeh and Richard McClatchey
Towards a framework for ontology mapping based on description logic reasoning
Quentin Reul, Jeff Z. Pan and Derek Sleeman
A structuralistic semantics for ontology alignments
Christian Schäufler, Clemens Beckstein and Stefan Artmann
A similarity measure based on semantic, terminological and linguistic information
Nitish Aggarwal, Tobias Wunner, Mihael Arcan, Paul Buitelaar and Seán O'Riain
Folksodriven structure network
Massimiliano Dal Mas
8:30-8:50 |
Poster setup
8:50-9:00 |
Welcome and workshop overview
Organizers |
9:00-10:30 |
Paper presentation session: Data interlinking |
9:00-9:30 |
A time-efficient hybrid approach to link discovery
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
9:30-10:00 |
Learning linkage rules using genetic programming
Robert Isele and Christian Bizer |
10:00-10:30 |
RAVEN -- active learning of link specifications
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer and Konrad Höffner |
10:30-11:30 |
Coffee break / Poster session
11:30-12:30 |
Paper presentation session: Tooling |
11:30-12:00 |
Towards an automatic parameterization of ontology matching tools based on example mappings
Dominique Ritze and Heiko Paulheim |
12:00-12:30 |
Evolution of the COMA match system
Sabine Maßmann, Salvatore Raunich, David Aümueller, Patrick Arnold and Erhard Rahm |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:00 |
Paper presentation session: Evaluation |
14:00-14:30 |
Using semantic similarity in ontology alignment
Valerie Cross and Xueheng Hu |
14:30-15:00 |
Ontology matching benchmarks: generation and evaluation
Maria-Elena Roşoiu, Cássia Trojahn and Jérôme Euzenat |
15:00-15:30 |
Paper presentation session: OAEI-2011 campaign |
15:00-15:30 |
Introduction to the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2011
Jérôme Euzenat, Alfio Ferrara, Willem Robert van Hage, Laura Hollink, Christian Meilicke, Andriy Nikolov,
Dominique Ritze, François Scharffe, Pavel Shvaiko, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal
and Cássia Trojahn
15:30-16:30 |
Coffee break / Poster session |
16:30-17:30 |
Paper presentation session: OAEI-2011 campaign (cont'd) |
16:30-16:50 |
Using AgreementMaker to align ontologies for OAEI 2011
Isabel F. Cruz, Cosmin Stroe, Federico Caimi, Alessio Fabiani, Catia Pesquita, Francisco M. Couto and
Matteo Palmonari |
16:50-17:10 |
YAM++ results for OAEI 2011
DuyHoa Ngo, Zohra Bellasene and Remi Coletta |
17:10-17:30 |
Zhishi.links results for OAEI 2011
Xing Niu, Shu Rong, Yunlong Zhang and
Haofen Wang |
17:30-18:00 |
Discussion and wrap-up |
from 20.00 |
Social dinner at
If interested, please register here on
Organizing Committee:
Informatica Trentina,
E-mail: pavel [dot] shvaiko [at] infotn [dot] it
Jérôme Euzenat
INRIA & LIG, France
Tom Heath
Talis Systems Ltd, UK
Christoph Quix
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Ming Mao
Isabel Cruz
The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Program Committee:
- Paolo Besana,
University of Edinburgh, UK
- Chris Bizer,
Free University Berlin, Germany
- Olivier Bodenreider,
National Library of Medicine, USA
- Paolo Bouquet,
OKKAM, Italy
- Marco Combetto,
Informatica Trentina, Italy
- Jérôme David,
INRIA & LIG, France
- Alfio Ferrara,
University of Milan, Italy
- Gabriele Francescotto,
OpenContent, Italy
- Fausto Giunchiglia,
University of Trento, Italy
- Bin He,
- Eduard Hovy,
ISI, University of Southern California, USA
- Wei Hu,
Nanjing University, China
- Ryutaro Ichise,
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Antoine Isaac,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Europeana, Netherlands
- Krzysztof Janowicz,
Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Anja Jentzsch,
Free University Berlin, Germany
- Yannis Kalfoglou,
Ricoh Europe plc, UK
- Patrick Lambrix,
Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
- Monika Lanzenberger,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Rob Lemmens,
ITC, The Netherlands
- Maurizio Lenzerini,
University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
- Vincenzo Maltese,
University of Trento, Italy
- Fiona McNeill,
University of Edinburgh, UK
- Christian Meilicke,
University of Mannheim, Germany
- Peter Mork,
The MITRE Corporation, USA
- Nico Lavarini,
Cogito, Italy
- Andriy Nikolov,
Open University, UK
- Natasha Noy,
Stanford University, USA
- Leo Obrst,
The MITRE Corporation, USA
- Matteo Palmonari,
University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
- Yefei Peng,
Google, USA
- Evan Sandhaus,
New York Times, USA
- François Scharffe,
LIRMM, France
- Luciano Serafini,
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, Italy
- Kavitha Srinivas,
- Umberto Straccia,
ISTI-C.N.R., Italy
- Ondrej Svab-Zamazal,
Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic
- Cássia Trojahn dos Santos,
INRIA & LIG, France
- Raphaël Troncy,
- Giovanni Tummarello,
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, Italy
- Lorenzino Vaccari,
European Commission - Joint Research Center, Italy
- Ludger van Elst,
DFKI, Germany
- Shenghui Wang,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Baoshi Yan,
LinkedIn, USA
- Songmao Zhang,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
We appreciate support from the
Trentino as a Lab
initiative of the
European Network of the Living Labs
Informatica Trentina,
the EU
project and the
Semantic Valley